Contributing patches (was Re: urllib and proxy)

Tim Peters at
Thu Feb 28 18:03:47 EST 2002

[Brad Clements]
> I think the Python keepers are swamped. I've had a patch pending for a
> little over a month, made 3 rounds of changes as requested but now it's
> stalled.

Yup, it sucks.  On the bright side, some patches sit over a year <wink>.

> There are a lot more patches older than mine, so I'll just wait. Don't
> get discouraged if your patch sits for a while.

I don't know what can be done about this.  Outside of Martin v. Loewis and
Michael Hudson, and even less so most days some of the PythonLabs crew, it
seems that nobody routinely looks at the bugs, patch or feature request
trackers.  It's particularly discouraging for patches because, against
initial hopes, nobody "out there" *tries* them and reports back on their

So, in practice, nothing much happens on these fronts day to day except work
on critical bugs.  Then again, that's probably a good thing to people who
fear change <wink>.

this-kind-of-bottleneck-needs-a-bigger-bottle-ly y'rs  - tim

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