Scripting C++ -- Boost.Python vs CORBA vs ???

rasmussn at rasmussn at
Tue Feb 26 13:33:34 EST 2002

The latest Siloon version (3.0beta) passes it's C++ test suite using
gcc-3.0.2.  If anyone is interested in being a beta tester, let me
know and I can provide access to the latest sources.

Alternatively, we are planning on putting the project out on sourceforge
(with a BSD-style license).  Maybe now is the time.  Has anyone
had experience doing this?  How big a process is it?


On Monday, February 25, 2002, at 10:32 AM, Craig Maloney wrote:

> Since your site specifically lists g++ 2.95 and NOT 3.x, am I to infer
> that there will be problems with the new ABI?  -- Or any problems that 
> will, in practice or principle, cause conflicts with g++ 3.0?
> *Holds breath... and crosses fingers...*

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