Adding static typing to Python

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Feb 19 06:23:00 EST 2002

In article <a4s7mq$u07$1 at>, "Jim Dennis"
<jimd at> wrote:

>  Of course there are limitations to this technique.  For example I see
>  that it's common for Pythonistas to use raise NotImplementedError for
>  abstract classes.  It would be nice of PyChecker could detect any time
>  a concrete subclass fails to implement any of the requisite abstract
>  functions.  Of course it's difficult to see how this would be
>  accomplished given current language features: how would we tell that a
>  given abstract function is "abstract" (is defined to raise
>  NotImplementedError)? how could we tell that a given subclass was
>  "concrete" (final)?  (Obviously we can see that any class that is used
>  to instantiate an object must be concrete, though not necessarily
>  "final", but that only works if we're given a whole project, otherwise
>  there might be classes which are intended to be concrete but not used
>  within the scope of our hypothetical scanning engine)

Interfaces rock. "implements" is one of the only features I would like
from Java (well, proper static methods, and *maybe* synchronous methods,
but that's it).

Possibly some kind of equivalent to "use strict;" from Perl (ptooi!)


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