ANNOUNCE: autochino release 1

Lucio Torre lucio at
Tue Feb 5 10:51:42 EST 2002

autochino release 1 is now available

wee it working at:

download it from:

whats autochino?
autochino is a set of web tools i built to help me while studing 
chinese. of course it was made with python.

the features:
- complete pronunciation audio
- most of the bopomofo pronunciation with tables and practice
- tones practice
- vocabulary and practice (character, pinyin and sound)
- caligraphy sheets
- its expandable
- included dictionary (cedict)
- includes gif characters, so no extra software is needed
- downloadable. you can run its own tiny web server in you desktop if 
you dont want to run it from my machine, or to make mirrors

help is sought for the following tasks (time is scarce!):
- extension of the dictionary: unihan.txt / cedict /others merge, better 
structure and tools
- internationalization and localization to english (its in spanish now)
- more lessons
- more features

if you find it useful, please, please, please, drop me a line. any other 
comments are also welcome!

sayonara! :)

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