RFC -- Hygienic Macros in Python

Jason Orendorff jason at jorendorff.com
Tue Feb 12 02:03:12 EST 2002

phil hunt wrote:
> The way i would do it, if I was implementing it, would be something
> like:
> defmacro synchronized(lock_expr, code_block):
>    local lock
>    lock = ^lock_expr
>    lock.acquire()
>    try:
>       ^code_block
>    finally:
>       lock.release()      
> Where the "local lock" declaration means something like: in the
> current namespace create a local variable name that doesn't clash with
> anything else.

So "local" is stripped out of the list of tokens that constitutes
the "synchronized" macro?

This seems to move away, a bit, from your previous notion that
macros should be expanded without any extra processing.  If so,
then the question becomes: why shouldn't "local" be the default?

My experience is that anything other than lexical scoping always
ends up being a real pain.  Names in classes, functions, and
top-level module code is all lexically scoped.  They should be
within defmacro too, by default.

> In something like C++ you could just put {...} round it can define
> variables within that and they'd be local to it, but you can't do 
> that in Python.

As a digression, here's the best I can do in C++.

// synchronized() in C++
// totally untested, might not compile

// Locking interface, which lockable objects must implement
class ILock {
    virtual void acquire() = 0;
    virtual void release() = 0;

class Locker {
    Locker(ILock &lock) : _lock(lock) { _lock.acquire(); }
    ~Locker() { _lock.release(); }
    operator bool() { return true; }
    ILock & _lock;

// Uses the unfamiliar standard C++ "if (decl)" syntax
#define synchronized(lock_expr) \
    if (Locker _synchronized_magic_object(lock_expr))

## Jason Orendorff    http://www.jorendorff.com/

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