Why Python is like BASIC (and why this is a good thing)

Cliff Wells logiplexsoftware at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 15 15:02:02 EST 2002

On 15 Feb 2002 18:59:13 GMT
Robin Munn wrote:

> All three of these things make for a very low barrier-to-entry for
> people who've never done any programming before. I'm sure there are
> other similarities as well, that maybe someone else will point out. Of
> course, Python goes beyond BASIC in many ways:

Well, sort of.  Of course air is like water too, except for breathing ;) 

> * Batteries included. This is the big one, which makes Python more than
>   just a toy language suitable for learning. The richness of the
>   standard library makes Python incredibly useful, and I for one would
>   like to see it continue to grow. I understand the concern that people
>   developing Python-based programs for distribution would like their
>   users to be able to run a 100k script without downloading a 10M
>   distribution, but I don't want to see that cause a reduction in the
>   standard library. Instead, we could make make two Python
>   distributions, a "full" install containing everything and a "lite"
>   install containing only the interpreter and maybe -- *maybe* -- a
>   couple of essential modules like os and sys. Then people developing
>   Python programs like, say, a pygame-based game, could distribute a
>   single package containing the "Python lite" distribution, their own
>   code, and any other modules their code depended on -- all in one
>   easy-for-the-end-used-to-install package.

We had a thread on this topic a week or so ago.  I agree that there should
be a standard, "batteries-included/kitchen-sink" distro and a "lite" distro
that can then be added to as necessary.  However, as was mentioned by
someone (Tim Peters?), someone will need to do the work to make this

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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