COM file references

Matt m.wetherill at
Wed Feb 20 04:29:27 EST 2002

Hi group,
I'd just like to introduce myself - I'm just learning python and really like
the language, but I'm very much a newbie (to both python and programming),
so apologies if my queries seem astonishingly stupid!

Anyway to my problem (or the python related one anyway :-):

I have a requirement to convert ms word docs to raw text in order to allow
further processing of the text file.  I figured the best way to do this was
to use python to access word via COM and do a 'save-as'.  The following code
works fine from the interactive prompt (python 2.2, Office 2k)

import win32com.client
#save file as text file - number '5' is position of word to text converter
in the word 'file type' dialogue
w.ActiveDocument.SaveAs ("c:\\test.txt", 5)

However, I really need to turn this into a function to which I can pass an
input file name and path, and an output file name and path.

This is troubling me - however I try, I can't work out how to pass the path
and file to the 'Documents.Open' expression (or vice-versa)

If anyone could offer any guidance I would really appreciate it. - Apologies
for the astonishingly simple nature of the query!



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