Why Python is like BASIC (and why this is a good thing)

Cliff Wells logiplexsoftware at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 21 12:46:11 EST 2002

On 20 Feb 2002 12:33:23 -0800
William Tanksley Google wrote:

> rmunn at pobox.com (Robin Munn) wrote:
> > * Batteries included. This is the big one, which makes Python more than
> My friend was griping about one battery that Basic comes with but
> Python doesn't (at least not that I've seen): graphics.  Yes, I know
> there's no single way to draw in Basic, but every version has a
> platform-specific graphics library.
> Does Python?  If so, I've never seen it.  I'd like to.
> Personally, I need pixel graphics.  Others will want vector graphics.

There are several ways to do graphics with Python, depending upon your
needs.  Most of the GUI toolkits (wxPython, Tkinter, etc) provide ways of
drawing pixels, blitting images, etc.  Additionally there are toolkits like
pygame, OpenGL, PIL, etc for doing more complex graphics and image
manipulation.  Best of all, they're portable, which I've yet to see in any
version of BASIC.  In my opinion, nothing in any version of BASIC can come
close to the graphics support in Python (although, admittedly, it isn't
built in).

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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