Installing Python

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at
Mon Feb 18 16:12:28 EST 2002

Le 18/02/02 à 20:03, Empty_One écrivit:
> I just downloaded the python tarball, and installed it on my slack system 
> using sheck install.  All works good, except I cannot start IDLE.

I'm sure there was an error message when you tried to start IDLE. I've
lost my crystal ball, so these would be incredibly useful.

Chances are that Tkinter wasn't built. You'll need to have Tk installed
for this, including the header files.

> How can I configure the install script to also install IDLE, since it
> is included with the base python, and not a seperate download.

See above, you can also change the paths in Modules/Setup, should that
be necessary. It usually isn't necessary, unless the Tk header files and
libraries are in some very strange places.

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