redirect console output to widget?

Lei Chen llchen223 at
Sun Feb 10 19:12:14 EST 2002


I want to redirect console output to a Text widget.  So far the code I
wrote crashes on occasion.  Attached is the portions of the code. 
Thanks in advance for your help.  Here are some more details: program
runs on WIN32; the console stream is fast and continuous (console
program runs 24x7)

#this function pipes input to an widget
def pipeToWidget(input, widget):
    widget.delete('1.0', END)
    while 1:
        line = input.readline()
        if not line: break
        widget.insert(END, str(line))

def funcThread(widget):
    input = os.popen(r'executeMe.exe', 'r')
    pipeToWidget(input, wiget)

root = Tk()
widget = Text(root)
widget.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
thread.start_new(funcThread, (widget,))
#...Some more threads started here...

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