Problems with enabling thread support in Python 2.1.x

Christopher Gardner christopher_gardner at
Wed Feb 20 12:24:52 EST 2002

I can't get threads from becoming non-responsive in the version
of python (2.1.2) that I am building on H-P U/X (hpux) 10.20.

Someone mentioned that it appeared that threads isn't enabled
in my version of python running on my box.  I grabbed the tar'ed
source and compiled it.

I have installed Python 2.1, PyWebLib 1.1.0+, python-ldap 2.0.0pre4
against my build of OpenLDAP 2.0.18 on H-P U/X (hpux) 10.20 on a
E35 (e.g., 735) H-P based workstation.  I get the following error
when trying to start web2ldap in stand-alone mode with the HPPD
Software Porting & Archive <> version:

# python /opt/web2ldap/sbin/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/web2ldap/sbin/", line 28, in ?
    import w2lapp.core,w2lapp.handler,msHTTPServer,msHTTPHandler,ipadr
  File "/opt/web2ldap/pylib/w2lapp/", line 77, in ?
    crossCheckVars = w2lapp.cnf.misc.session_checkvars,
  File "/opt/python/lib/python2.1/site-packages/pyweblib/",
    line 122, in __init__
    self._session_lock = threading.Lock()
NameError: global name 'threading' is not defined

I used Gnu C (gcc) 2.95.2, binutils 2.9.1, Gnu make 3.78.1, Gnu sed
3.02 to build the python 2.1.2 source against the DB 3.2.9, Pth 1.4
gdbm 1.8, ncurses 5.2, readline x.x and tcp-wrappers 7.6 with the
"-D_REENTRANT" and "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED" options (OPT) during
building and the libs (-l)pthread and (-l)pth libs flagged.

I seem to be able to compile Python 2.1.2 with POSIX threads
support.  The problem is now that web2ldap starts up in stand-alone
mode -- I'm not able to connect to it.  When I run 'make test' from
the untar'ed source, I get this:

Then ...
We expected (repr): "Received: 'hello world'\n"
But instead we got: "error: uncaptured python exception, closing 
 channel <echo_client connected at 4023fa04> (socket.error:(239,
 'Connection refused')

When ./Lib/test/ & ./Lib/test/
are run seperated, I get the following:

./python ../Lib/test/

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../Lib/test/", line 4, in ?
    import asyncore, asynchat, socket, threading, time
  File "../../src/Lib/", line 511, in ?
    import FCNTL
ImportError: No module named FCNTL

./python ../Lib/test/

ADDR = ('localhost', 15251)
CLASS = SocketServer.TCPServer
server created
server running
test client 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../Lib/test/", line 162, in ?
  File "../Lib/test/", line 158, in main
  File "../Lib/test/", line 148, in testall
    testloop(socket.AF_INET, tcpservers, MyStreamHandler, teststream)
  File "../Lib/test/", line 124, in testloop
    testfunc(proto, addr)
  File "../Lib/test/", line 63, in teststream
socket.error: (239, 'Connection refused')
thread: creating server
thread: serving three times

However, when I start web2ldap, I get this:

./src/python /opt/web2ldap/sbin/

Accepted IP address ranges:
Running mode: multi-threaded
SSL: disabled

Point your favourite browser to


to access the web application.

... I am running tcp-wrappers 7.6 on my box. Could that cause a
problem as well?

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