Trouble importing / using a custom text codec

Martin von Loewis loewis at
Thu Feb 28 10:17:06 EST 2002

jhorneman at (Jurie Horneman) writes:

> - With in site-packages as described above, if I decode a
> text using encoding "MBCS_codecs.cp932", I get the error message
> "LookupError: unknown encoding". This happens even if I import cp932
> by hand before decoding the text.

I recommend a different strategy. Aim for allowing "cp932" as an
encoding name. To achieve this, put the following (or something like
this) into MBCS_codecs/

def search_mbcs(encoding):
    if encoding == "cp932":
        import cp932
        return cp932.getregentry()
    return None


If you want this to happen at startup time of Python, just add a
MBCS_codecs.pth file in site-packages, which reads

import MBCS_codecs


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