PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)

Tim Peters at
Thu Feb 28 19:20:15 EST 2002

[Carel Fellinger]
> you being such a heavy weight that I fear
> Guido might be lured into thinking this to be a good idea
> that I felt compelled to react in public.

> Well, thanks (I think <wink>), but I can assure you that I hold no
> special brownie points and have zero ability to "lure" Guido (or anyone
> on the Python team) into anything.  So, no need to lose any sleep over
> that one.  (On the other hand, if anyone knows *how* to "lure" any of
> them, be sure to let me know <wink>).

Well, I'm particularly swayed by posters who have a "<wink>" key and know
how to use it.  Still, my take remains what it was at the start:  it isn't
even half as disgusting as most people will say it is <wink>.

some-people-don't-even-like-listcomps-ly y'rs  - tim

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