Embedding Python in C#

Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?= gh_pythonlist at gmx.de
Thu Feb 21 22:48:35 EST 2002

Le 21/02/02 ? 22:19, Adonis Vargas écrivit:
> has this been done?

No idea.

> is it even possible?

I think so. The question is, how hard is it really?

> if it has where can i obtain information on doing so?

AFAIK you can still use or link to native "unsafe code" in MSIL compiled
programs. So might be able to link to the normal Python DLL.

No, there is no Python.NET except a proof-of-concept and this is not
likely to change in the forseeable future.

Another approach could be to reuse the good old Windows Scripting Host
with Python/COM. IIRC the .NET framework has a COM bridge.

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