Autocoding project proposal.

Peter Seebach seebs at
Wed Feb 6 00:34:20 EST 2002

In article <1372.801T1070T13994028threeseas at>,
Timothy Rue <threeseas at> wrote:
>Why would  be interested in a programming language by a company that has
>been found guilty of Anti-trust? Not to mention that language is not
>available anywhere near as much as something like Python.

Because the language fits your project a lot better.  The *community* is
perfect for you.  These people share your basic mindset.  They're heading
where you seem to be already.

>It'd really be a good thing if the MS cronies state so in their sig.

I am not a MS crony.

>This way I don't have to try and figure out why you have a problem knowing
>the difference between what is idea and what is natural law physics. For
>MS seems to think it own reality. It doesn't!

This isn't about ownership, it's about finding the community most naturally
suited to your project.  The C# people are the community least contaminated
by existing notions of software engineering.

   Copyright 2001, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / seebs at
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