Object copying itself

xtian xtian at toysinabag.com
Mon Feb 18 16:05:48 EST 2002

Dale Strickland-Clark <dale at riverhall.NOTHANKS.co.uk> wrote in message news:<27mq6ug68esgsh7in71scb9m30phojjf3g at 4ax.com>...

> I want object references copied (shallow copy) but the lists need to
> be copied entirely (deep copy).

It sounds like you may have your terminology confused. Copying an
object reference is not a shallow copy - it's not a copy at all
(except in a degenerate sense), because the references, while copies
of each other, still point to the same object.

If you've called copying a list a deep copy to contrast with the
non-copy of the objects, then you probably mean shallow copy. This is
a copy, because a new list is created, but then all of the list's
items are *non-copied* into it.

This seems to make more sense to me. If it's actually what you want,
then this should implement it:

def copyObj(obj):
	newObj = obj.__class__()
	for name, val in obj.__dict__.iteritems():
		if type(val) is list:
			val = copy.copy(val)
		setattr(newObj, name, val)
	return newObj

This uses some 2.2isms, and doesn't take care of __init__ processing
(that'll depend on how it should be handled in your app), and doesn't
do __slots__ (Alex has discussed how they could be handled).

And I may have misunderstood what you wanted, so it could also be
completely wrong! That's enough disclaimers for today.

Hope it helps...

(The snipers are passed out in the bushes again.)

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