Need advice for obfuscating Python code

Cimarron Taylor cimarron+google at
Thu Feb 28 15:03:06 EST 2002

Fernando Pérez <fperez528 at> wrote in message news:<a5ji37$ceb$2 at>...
> I sincerely hope this was a joke (and as such, a really good one :). I can't 
> seriously imagine you actually *doing* those things. 1 is fine, maybe 2.
> Anyway, thanks for the good laugh!
> f.

I did actually use most of these tricks on one Java project although not all 
were used equally frequently: all the code was obfuscated, half the modules
used dispatch tricks (which actually had another purpose), a lot of bulk
was added by third party libs, some classes were loaded from a decrypted
license file (those classes were responsible for setting up the dispatchers
so without a license the code would not operate, not because of an explicit
license check, but because instances would not be properly initialized),
the license was distributed separately from the program and had a 
separate installation procedure.


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