[ANN] ecp_printer : ActiveX wrapper for VB Printer object

dsavitsk dsavitsk at e-coli.net
Mon Feb 11 13:18:27 EST 2002

This isn't strictly Python related, but that's what I use it for.

ecp_printer is both a wrapper for VB6's built-in Printer object and a print
previewer for displaying would be printed stuff to the screen.  The
previewer is more intended to avoid the wasting of paper that typically
precedes using the Printer object successfully, but it could be used in a
program as well. It is a quick solution to print simple documents.  To use
it, one does something like the following:

>>> import win32com.client
>>> x = win32com.client.Dispatch('ecp_printer.Printer')
>>> x.ecpPrint('Hello World!')
>>> x.EndDoc()

A windows installer and the source are available from
http://www.e-coli.net/software. There are some test scripts and examples
there as well.

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