High-level languages, large projects, GNOME and the .NET controversy

Jason Voegele jason at jvoegele.com
Fri Feb 8 10:13:07 EST 2002

Thomas Guettler <st-newsgroups at thomas-guettler.de> wrote in message news:<3C63A0A7.5060507 at thomas-guettler.de>...
> Would be nice to use perl libraries in python. But I think that can
> be done easier without CIL (Common Intermediate Language. AFAIK somthing 
> like bytecode in java or .pyc).

Also the upcoming Parrot virtual machine for Perl will make this
easily done (presuming that there is a port of Python to Parrot).

> Would be nice to have the intellisence (dropdown-list if you type 
> object.) of the Visual Studio. Is there already something like this?

This is really hard to do with dynamic languages because the editor
has no reliable way of knowing the type of a variable.

Jason Voegele

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