How to get CNAME with sockets ?

Sheila King usenet at
Sat Feb 16 22:41:12 EST 2002

On 17 Feb 2002 02:52:05 GMT, bokr at (Bengt Richter) wrote in
comp.lang.python in article <a4n5sl$9uj$0 at>:

> I don't know what you are really doing, but that sounds like
> systematically dialing all phone numbers in various area codes
> until you get Arnold Schwarzenegger ;-)
> Can't you get a copy of the 'phone directory and find him yourself?
> Or do you need to visit with all those others?
> Or is the metaphor totally inapplicable? ;-)

I don't think the metaphor is *totally* inapplicable, but I can see why
you would draw that conclusion without looking at the code.

Here is a snippet from the original Perl module:

==============(begin snippet)==============
    for ( "a".."z", "1..9999" ) { 
        my $query = $resolver->query ($_.'.'.$zone);
        my $rr; next BUILDLIST unless $query;
        foreach $rr ($query->answer) { 
            my $pushed = 0;
            if ($rr->type eq "A") { 
                push @list, $rr->address; 
                $pushed = 1;
            } elsif ($rr->type eq "CNAME") { 
                if ($rr->cname eq 'list.terminator') { 
                    pop @list if $pushed;
                    last BUILDLIST;
                } elsif ($rr->cname eq "skip") { 
                    pop @list if $pushed;
                    next BUILDLIST;
============(end snippet)==================

It's more like, the hosts will be
until there are no more hosts. The last host will have a CNAME that
resolves to list.terminator. I don't know WHY the original code adds
subdomains 1..9999 onto the list, since there are currently only TWO
razor servers that I can discover in the default zone, which is

In my own Python adaptation, I did this:

===========(begin snippet)=================
subdomainlist = list(string.ascii_lowercase)

zone = ''
host_IP_list =[]
response_times = {}

for subd in subdomainlist:
    host = '%s.%s' % (subd, zone)
        IPaddy = socket.gethostbyname(host)
    except socket.error, e:
        pipe = os.popen('dnsquery -t CNAME %s' % host)
        data =
        if data.find('list.terminator') > -1:
===========(end snippet)=================

Notice that I left the 1..9999 off.

By the way, that isn't the complete translation of the razor-discover
client. Only a snip. And it isn't portable, either. Designed to work on
my web host with tools they have installed.

Sheila King

"When introducing your puppy to an adult cat,
restrain the puppy, not the cat." -- Gwen Bailey,
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