heres a dumb question....

Jason Orendorff jason at
Mon Feb 4 20:43:31 EST 2002

Jeremy Bush writes:
> [...] cant seem to figure out how to get keyboard input...
> ive read the whole readme that came with it, the tutorial,
> everything.

raw_input() gets a line of input.

Unlike C++, you ordinarily get a line at a time, and split it
to get the information you want.

For example, if you expect the user to type in numbers
separated by commas, you'd do:

line = raw_input('> ')   # see? you can provide a prompt
fields = line.split(',')
for s in fields:
    x = float(s)  # convert string to float
    print "you entered the number:", x

If you "import sys", then you have sys.stdin, which is a file object.
File objects have various methods for input.  Viz:

Enjoy Python!

## Jason Orendorff

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