Python calling Java

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at
Mon Feb 18 14:44:43 EST 2002

Le 18/02/02 à 11:13, jimh écrivit:
> We have a bunch of Python (cgi) scripts producing html behind an Apache web
> server.  We also have a set of Java libraries that I want to access from
> these Python scripts, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.
> I have downloaded and tried out Jython, but it takes 5-6 seconds just to run
> a one-line 'print "hi"' script, and this is, of course, not acceptable for a
> web server.
> Any ideas?

There IMO is no easy solution to this problem. It might be easiest to
rewrite all the CGI scripts as Jython (or Java) servlets.

There are a bunch of other possibilies I can imagine, but they require
more effort. Trying to get jython cgi scripts to work with FastCGI would
be one.

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