
Timothy Rue threeseas at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 15 20:45:47 EST 2002

On 11-Feb-02 19:37:51 Chris Gonnerman <chris.gonnerman at newcenturycomputers.net> wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jeff Shannon" <jeff at ccvcorp.com>
>> Timothy Rue wrote:
>> > But then group voting is like a conspiracy huh?
>> Only for nonstandard definitions of 'conspiracy'.
>> Conspiracy implies secrecy, and imposing the will of the few upon the
>> many. Voting is nonsecret (even if individual votes are secret, the
>> process is not) and implies determining the will of the many (at the
>> possible expense of the will of the few).


There are plenty more users and consumers of computers and computer
products than there is developers of such products. And it's clear from
the case against the richest man in the world by the most powerful
government in the world where the computer industry stands in matters of
ethics regarding the consumers/user. There is plenty being withheld from
the consumers, including freedom to create what they need and to do so
without abuses of the over complexity generated by the computer industry,
who continuely asks the consumer "where do you want to go today?" because
those in the computer industry simply are to disconnected from the
consumer/user base to know and lacking in ethics plenty enough to simply
give the consumer/user the tools to go where they want..

>Yes.  I apologized (to the list, not to Rue) because the suggestion is,
>well, non-Pythonic.  Tacky.  And I was/am sorry.  Jeff has it right here,
>though, that it was certainly no conspiracy; and it is the USENET way to
>publicly handle such things.

Oh really? It seems to me that the way to handle something you do not like
is to show as much outspoken disrespect for it as you can while holding
onto the illusion that you are justified in bad mouthing something. So
much for the mothers saying of "if you don't have something nice to say,
don't say anything".....

>> Then again, we shouldn't be surprised at you using nonstandard
>>definitions of words.

Non-standard is this week defined to be the same as it was last week, a
matter of convience...... How many ways can you label a "terminal"?
And even better yet, what is the computer industry calling a "terminal"
this week?

What of the double speak computer industry dictionary? The one that has
"we" in it for talking to the in a manner of them preceiving it as
inclusive of them but for those using it it really means not inclusive f
the public. And other such double meaning ........ standard

>Indeed.  He uses a nonstandard definition of "language" and applies
>"physics" to programming.  He can't program, you know; ten years on this
>project and nothing to show for it.  If I had tried to develop something
>like this for ten years and had nothing to show for it but a website,
>I'd give up.

According to the computer industry the only standard definition is the one
they are using this week but it will be different next week because that
is the only way to keep the consumer/users "stupid" and submissive.

There is a physics to abstraction manipulation, including such abstraction
manipulation as the double speak dictionary and programming abstractions
that boils down to bit manipulation of physical switches.

I have no doubt that those who have made a living off of such
manipulations of bits, abstraction and consumers certainly don't want to
be exposed for the wrongful manipulators that are.

And I suppose that explains you, too.

Clearly there is a priority here where the coding is not on top of the
list but rather ...... well what do you suppose Neo ment in that last
line of the Movie, The Matrix?

10 years is alot shorter than the 300 or so years it took the hindu-arabic
decimal system to propogate to the majority of the civilized population!!!

Besides there is enough to show for the time.

You don't understand the problems because you refuse to look at yourself.

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
   *~ ~ ~      Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at mindspring.com      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
Web @ http://www.mindspring.com/~timrue/  ^<--------<----9----<--------<

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