Status of PEP's?

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at
Thu Feb 28 20:25:28 EST 2002

> von Neumann didn't invent his construction of the ordinals
> because it was obviously the right thing, or because it
> was natural. He did it because it was simple. When what
> you're doing is laying foundations for mathematics,
> that counts for a lot. But that's not what Python is about.
> Go and look at a set theory textbook that describes that
> construction of the natural numbers. It's a good guess that
> within a few pages they will also have defined integers
> as equivalence classes of ordered pairs of natural numbers,
> rationals as equivalence classes of ordered pairs of integers,
> and real numbers as Dedekind sections or equivalence classes
> of Cauchy sequences or something. Should we take inspiration
> from those too? Then, for instance, we could do

No. But anyway I don't  want to enter a debate around
mathematical taste (because btw it would be irrelevant here

I'm guilty, especially because I have used and stretched
 the word natural
that for mathematicians have very peculiar meanings,
 but as I said in another post, my insight
was not particularly against or in favor.
Just a datapoint.

regards, Samuele Pedroni.

PS: I have a Master in Mathematics.

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