[ANN] JPE 2.0 The Java-python Extension

Fernando Pérez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 10:48:00 EST 2002

Frederic Giacometti wrote:

> - JPE is distributed in source form from CVS. Substantial efforts have
> been invested to provide a config and build environment that makes it
> straightforward to configure, build from source, and test
> multi-component, multi-platform software systems. Hopefully, that can be
> one step ahead from the current autoconf or distutil systems.
> Easily extensible to support arbitrary software components and tools,
> libplus currently supports C, C++, Python, Java, and swig wrappers.
> Libplus generates configuration-specific makefiles that chain software
> component dependencies together, and provides runtime software/tool
> configuration information.
> Litteratly, this is an 'open-source' project :))

I'm assuming this paragraph is in reference to the libplus part of your 
system. I happen to be interested, and grabbed the current cvs, but 
unfortunately there's not _one_ piece of documentation that comes with it. I 
realize you're still in development, but learning the entire structure of 
your code just to see if it's useful to me is a bit much, I'm sorry to say :)

Would it be possible for you to include a simple README in libplus which 
outlines its usefulness as a 

> config and build environment that makes it
> straightforward to configure, build from source, and test
> multi-component, multi-platform software systems ?

That's exactly one area with which the scipy project has struggled and it 
would be great if your project solved the issue. But I honestly can't really 
say, as there is zero documentation included, and most modules have very 
terse docstrings.

I'm not trying to disparage your work, but unfortunately without some 
documentation it's just very difficult for an outsider to even judge whether 
it would be useful for me or not.

Best regards,


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