searching backwards in a string

Jason Orendorff jason at
Tue Feb 12 12:09:05 EST 2002

Steve Holden wrote:
> If you'd like to find the "last match before a given position" then,
> supposing string p to represent the regex matching the pattern you are
> looking for, you can try match()'ing
>     ".*(%s)" % p
> Given the greedy nature of matching, this should give you the rightmost
> match in groups(1). Maybe. Anyway, an idea to play with.

Hey, that's pretty clever!  I wonder about the performance, though...
Anyway, remember that by default .* won't cross newlines.
So: r"(.|\n)*(%s)".  Or you could re.DOTALL, but that may change
the meaning of the other regular expression you're plugging in.

## Jason Orendorff

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