(Long) Re: Autocoding project proposal.

Timothy Rue threeseas at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 5 23:54:44 EST 2002

On 04-Feb-02 12:59:12 David Masterson <dmaster at synopsys.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Timothy Rue writes:

>> *************************************

>I couldn't have said it better myself!

>Your (extended) program appears to be no better than the previous one
>I looked at in that it doesn't appear to do anything useful.  My
>memory of AREXX is ~10 years old, so some things in your program are
>not obvious (like the PARSE command).  Overall, though, it appears to
>merely do some convoluted printouts that I can't make heads or tails

Certainly you can recognize the creation of an multi-deminsional array
of data, writing and reading it to and from a file as well as test
prints. And the manipulation of the data can't possibly be out of your
realm of understanding. Of course you do know what you are looking at is
the framework of taking command line arguements, parsing them and then
applying the manipulations to the data array. One big select statement to
handle the many options/commands, where the functionality that will be
tied to the selected option can be filled in later.

Programming one step at a time. This step is just the main parser.

Certainly a Software engineer such as yourself knows this to such a degree
that it's obvious to you. And as far as arexx goes....well Like I said, it
doesn't go thru the complete framework, But it doesn't mean there is not a
framework spelled out in english.

>Since you can't seem to make us understand the value of V.I.C. from a
>"whitebox" look at it, let's try a "blackbox" approach.  In a
>"blackbox" approach, you give some examples of (expected) input and
>(expected) output from V.I.C. and leave it to the reader to figure out
>how V.I.C. will (or should) work.  Obviously, for this to work, your
>examples must be well thought out and very concrete.  They must show
>the usefulness of what V.I.C. does and they shouldn't need much in
>explanation of how the input became the output.  And the more examples
>you can provide, the better are the chances that someone will
>understand what you're trying to do and develop the program to do it.

take the math symbols 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - + = x /, etc..

input is 156, 963, 87753.98635 and the output is 3

Show me how these symbols, these tools can do this.

We both know it can be done, and in more than one way. At this stage of
development, that is all that is needed. Once the tool is built then we
can focus on getting the tool to output what we want from the input we
provide it with.

In either case, more information is needed and that's what we work on
after the tool is created. If we find something the tool cannot handle
within the scope of what it is to handle, then just like with the science
of physics, we determine what needs to be adjusted/corrected in order to
handle all exceptions.

To ask a question like how do you get the VIC to create a Hello World
program is foolish. There is not enough information in such a question!
Just like the above math question.

>My recommendation, though, is that you put these examples on your
>web-page and let us go look at them.  Posting them here would be bad
>because they would probably get lost.

Nothing gets lost in usenet. Or at least there is alot less chance of it.

But on the other hand, I do still need to and want to take all that I've
posted here and extract and compile a web page. But right now I don't have
the time. Maybe Next week If the company I'm working for doesn't have
enough work to keep me on. (show biz)

There is no white or black box to reverse engineer or clean room create.
There is only the creation of a configuration of very common code
functionality, carried out to it's natural conclusion in support of

The parse framework is the place to start in creating the whole VIC. And
at some point we will be able to integrate What was done in the standalone
IQ program. The PK multi-deminsional array is the main data collection
that gets manipulated.

Handle the parse routine and then fill in one by one that functions the
parse routine points to given selected input.

A great deal of thought has gone into this already, alot more has been
thoughtout and defined than this parse routine framework. Enough to know
doing the parse routine is no waste of effort, but something that needs to
be done.


>David Masterson                dmaster AT synopsys DOT com
>Sr. R&D Engineer               Synopsys, Inc.
>Software Engineering           Sunnyvale, CA

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
   *~ ~ ~      Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at mindspring.com      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
Web @ http://www.mindspring.com/~timrue/  ^<--------<----9----<--------<

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