Tkinter and grid: strange alignment with and without sticky option

vtail vtail at
Wed Feb 27 05:57:52 EST 2002

"Dr. David J. Ritchie, Sr." <djrassoc01 at> wrote in message news:<3C73CDC6.F110D0C at>...

> Yes, I see the same thing.  My Python version is:
> Python 2.1.1 (#97, Aug  2 2001, 21:53:31)  [CW PPC GUSI2 THREADS] on mac

> Running a slightly modified version of the original poster's example
> listed below,
> I find that the non-sticky red Listbox is horizontally
> misaligned by a small amount (probably 1 pixel)
> from the following non-sticky

My Python version is
Python 2.2 (#28, Dec 21 2001, 12:21:22) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
on Windows 2000.

The things are becoming more interesting: when I run Your slightly
modified version on my system, I see that it's the last Entry box who
is misalligned.

I also receive the following personal answer to my post:

>I ran your program under KDE on my debian linux system.  I could not
>reproduce your bug.

Probably we should notify some of the Tkinter developers?

Sincerely Yours,


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