proxy authentication: how to hide password

Anthony_Barker anthony_barker at
Tue Feb 12 11:18:51 EST 2002


> I'm using Python 2.2 on Win2k. We have a firewall in our organization,
> so I need to connect to the Internet via proxy from my .py scripts.
> So I use the following lines:
> proxy=urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http':'http://login:passwd@'})
> opener=urllib2.build_opener(proxy)
> urllib2.install_opener(opener)
> f = urllib2.urlopen(url-to-retrieve)
> where login and passwd are my Windows login and password.

I am in a similar position, but luckily my password isn't in sync with
my windows password.

I tried sockscap without much success. But you will have to add your
password to sockscap anyways.

But don't feel bad - Perl has a similar issue - but uses an
environment variable instead. I also use wget - this uses the .wgetrc
(yet another location for the password).

> Everything works OK, but obviously there are some problems:
> - my password is stored in my script as a simple text;
use a local environment variable gets around this one (like perl).
>>> import os
>>> user = os.environ['USERNAME']
>>> password = os.environ['HTTP_proxy_pass']

> - I need to change my scripts regularly to correct the password;
> - my colleagues can't use the same script - they should change the
> login and password their.

prompt for the password if need be.

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