Large integers from C

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Sat Feb 23 15:38:09 EST 2002

In article <c76ff6fc.0202211211.4f33f947 at>, "John
Machin" <sjmachin at> wrote:

> BTW, how long are your own-format long numbers, what's the format, and
> where are you getting them from in the first place?

They're things like ASN.1 BitStrings in X509v3 certificates (signatures),
which can be very long indeed, Counter64s in SNMP, which can be very
close to the 64bit limit (not 63bits, as a signed long long gets you)

etc. - Basically, it's a Python DER library with the performance-critical
bits in C. There's a Flex/Bison-based ASN.1->Python compiler
and I'm using it to implement Python-native (well, nearly native)
Kerberos 5, X509, SNMP and (if I can ever get it working)
LDAP support.


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