Java vs Python Benchmarks: Java is faster

Courageous jkraska at
Sun Feb 3 14:59:12 EST 2002

>On behalf of all of us that don't know what we're talking about and
>do need your help...

Ah, but you're one of those who _do_ know what you're talking about.
For example, the following comment illustrates knowledge of one of the
very first things one notices in profiling Python itself:

> 1. Ultra-late binding of, and consequent repetitive lookups of,
>    global names, attributes, methods, module members, etc.

And likewise this:

> Clearly there's something to gain by moving the huge ceval.c
> loop/switch from runtime to compile time.

Type declarations target higher hanging fruit. For example, there
is quite a lot more which can be achieved in the pursuit of #1 than
has been so far, _without_ the gains which type declarations would
offer. It would therefor follow to my sorry logical mind that
_first_ attempting a declaration system is a premature optimization.


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