Hidden files, selecting directories, & taxes

Johannes Gijsbers spamtrash at softhome.net
Wed Feb 13 08:17:49 EST 2002

chris_mk at hotmail.com (Christopher) wrote in message news:<cc14131d.0202121623.47ffaa99 at posting.google.com>...
> Hello everybody,
>     I had a couple things to ask:
> 1)  Is it possible to generate a hidden file (under Windows)? 

I guess you'll have to use the win32all extensions[1] by Mark Hammond.
The win32api module includes the function SetFileAttributes[2, 3]
which you could use for this.

> 2)  Is there a simple and easy way to allow the end-user to select a
> directory?

I'm not very familiar with Tkinter, but I don't think such a dialog is
the standard Tkinter distribution. But there's one in Tix,
DirSelectDialog[4, 5]

[2]ASPN: http://aspn.activestate.com//ASPN/Reference/Products/ActivePython/PythonWin32Extensions/win32api__SetFileAttributes_meth.html
[3]MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/filesio_9a2b.asp
[4]Tix File Selectors:
[5]DirSelecDialog: http://tix.sourceforge.net/dist/current/man/html/TixCmd/tixDirSelectDialog.htm

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