
Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Tue Feb 19 21:15:51 EST 2002

caljason76 at (Jason) writes:
> Here is a puzzle that was floating around comp.lang.lisp, and I was
> wondering what a Python solution would be.  I am still learning Python
> and am very curious how Python solutions differ from other languages,
> like Perl or C.  Are there some set of maxims to the Python
> programmer, and are there Python idioms for problem solutions?
> Appended to the message is the problem, you can find the problems and
> word list

I did both of those problems (add-a-grams and nine 9's) in Python but
I don't feel it's appropriate to publish the solutions right now.  If
you want to see my solutions I'll send them to you by email.

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