Perhaps I am just dumb

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Sat Feb 9 19:28:17 EST 2002

Sheila King <usenet at> writes:
> I have a friend I'm working with right now, that we are putting together
> a project in Python and PHP (he's doing all of the PHP part). He has
> only just been learning Python for a few weeks. He might have some good
> suggestions for you, as to how he approached learning Python (as an
> experienced programmer in other languages). If you'd like me to put you
> in touch with him, send me an email.

Topic drift: why are you doing something in Python -and- PHP?
Can't you do it all in Python, or maybe all in PHP?  Why use two languages?
There's some Python template systems that do pretty much what PHP
does.  If something is missing from them, maybe they need improvement.

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