OT Annoying Dir Boxes

Philip Swartzleonard starx at pacbell.net
Sat Feb 16 05:35:58 EST 2002

Michael Robin || Thu 14 Feb 2002 10:45:39a:

> Philip Swartzleonard <starx at pacbell.net> wrote in message
> news:<Xns91B4EC515D335RASXnewsDFE1 at>... 
>> Stephen Ferg || Wed 13 Feb 2002 09:50:00a:
>> This doesn't really have anything to do with this thread, but i'd
>> like to make this comment: =PLEASE= don't use the (apparently)
>> standard directory selcetion dialog in windows if you can avoid it.
>> It can be truly aggrivating when you know exactly how to type your
>> way there, but -have- to use the box... and on a reasonably crowded
>> file system, this means 'open node, scroll down, open node, scroll
>> down' repeat-until-insane. 
> You can type the path into the FileOpen dialog at any time, with or
> without mousing first. I would say the opposite, please don't invent
> your own file open dialog unless you have to - you'll lose multiple
> views, property access, drag & drop, filename completion and standard
> keyboard shortcuts - not to mention those who need to hook into
> accessibility features.

Ranting and horrible spelling too... sigh... anyway, i guess we're talking 
about different dialog boxes. The kind i mean have -nothing- but a 
directory tree (explorer's-left-side type), no drag-n-drop, editing, 
properties, or anything. For an example, see what you get from winamp when 
you add or play a directory (from a command specifically named that). This 
isn't the apparently windows-standard one, as it has an addional checkbox, 
but otherwise it's the exact same idea. 

(It's deffenatly not a FileOpen box either, as you could do nothing of the 
sort :)

Also... what's this 'filename completion' you speak of? Are you talking 
about windows? (Though i s'pouse it may have been added past 98, i've 
never known nor can find a key that does this...)

Philip Sw "Starweaver" [rasx] :: www.rubydragon.com

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