
Joshua Muskovitz joshm at taconic.net
Sat Feb 16 01:09:10 EST 2002

"Timothy Rue" <threeseas at earthlink.net> wrote
> Ten years???? it was Feburary 1988 when I identified the nine commands.
> I never claimed to be a programmer and never wanted to make the VIC but
> rather someone to use it. But I also don't, and never will want to be
> abused by any programmer wanting to take credit and property rights to the
> VIC.

Well, after 14 years then (happy anniversary!) of ranting about it with
NOBODY else even desiring to take credit for it, don't you think you should
stop worrying?  You're only going to be abused by programmers who see it for
what it is.  Irrelevent.

All you've said, all this time, is that everything boils down to nine
things.  Yippee.  My entire genetic makeup can be done in four.  Doesn't
mean I find it useful to attempt to function purely on a cellular level.

> The computer industry has alot of ethical problems in this area of taking
> everything the can from the users, from their ideas, to their debugging
> efforts (feedback), to their money in payment for what came from them, and
> now rental....and always it is never quite right but lacking always... for
> upgrading recycling of consumer entrapment abuse.
> That's what evidence ..... well what is, is what is. You know what you
> are.

As opposed to the ethical problems in say the energy futures industry, or
savings and loans, or any of those other trifling scandals.  People of poor
moral character exist in all aspects of society.  I fail to see any evidence
they cluster around the programming profession.  Just because there are
companies out there who aren't the nicest, doesn't mean that PROGRAMMERS as
a group are to blame.

You seem to have this amazingly huge and likely malignant chip on your
shoulder about something, and I don't think it has anything to do with
autocoding.  Perhaps we can help you.  Tell us more about the bad people who
screwed you over so many years ago.  You'll feel better.  We'll feel better.
Programmers learn better by example anyway.  Tell us what they did which
made you so angry, and we'll promise to try not to do that.  We may even
apologize.  Wouldn't that be nice?

> There never will be enough programmers, but there is always exactly the
> perfect number of user to do all the things a user needs to do for
> themselves. Given the right freedom for the users, creating tools.

That's right.  Let's all return to the world of hunter/gatherers, where
nobody takes advantage of others, and we all struggle to survive.  If you
despise the evil technology so much, why do you continue to use it?  That
seems very contradictory.

# Joshua Muskovitz
# joshm at taconic.net
def lyyrs(sig): return '-'.join(sig.split()+["ly y'rs"])
lyyrs('Hire me!  I need the work!')

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