python and xslt problems

christof hoeke csad7 at
Thu Dec 26 12:07:34 EST 2002

i am currently reading the "python and xml" book by o'reilly and wanted to
try to do some xslt processing with python. i know the book is "old" (well,
almost a year now) and i found an update info on
the problem is even with the updated info i am unable to do a simple xslt
transformation, even the example on the site does not work.

then i tried Pyana (integrating xalan into python), which does work and
seems really simple. problem is that there is no documentation for the

i was working with xalan-j in java and it is quite good and there are good
books for it (java and xslt by oreilly for example).
i try to learn python instead of digging deeper into java as python seems
much easier and also "more beautiful" if one can describe a programming
language as "beautiful".
it might be just me, but it seems there are various xml/xslt packages for
python (pyxml, fourthoughts package, ...) but none of them is comprehensive
for dom/sax/xslt/xpath/dtd/schema support and the documentation for all
packages is rather weak...

does anyone know a good up to date book or a good and reliable tutorial or
even a good documentation for an xslt engine for python?

thanks a lot.


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