Embedding Python in Windows App , use of Registry & ENV to find modules

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Thu Dec 5 19:12:33 EST 2002

> Does someone knowledgeable in such matters agree, or is there a better

I put python.exe and python22.dll in my own directory, have my own libstd
and libxtra directories below this.  Python.exe is then called  via explicit
path.  One of the first statements before even doing imports is

            sys.path = [".", ".\\bin", ".\\bin\\libstd", ".\\bin\\libxtra"]

to insure that the exact version I deliver is used and not whatever happens
to be installed.  Also, see my web page
http://www.autorunning.com/arpyexe.cgi  for a standalone demo embedding
Python noting especially that a working download is approx, 450 K.

I do *not* touch the registry or environment.  IMO, this makes for a much
superior solution.

Dennis Reinhardt


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