Problem getting shutil.copy() to transfer files to my Web site - ?!

Cliff Wells clifford.wells at
Sun Dec 22 14:12:42 EST 2002

On Sun, 2002-12-22 at 11:06, Cliff Wells wrote:
> I was very confused by this thread until it dawned on me what you are
> trying to do:  you are trying to have a cgi script on a remote server
> pull a file from the user's pc.  I'm willing to be corrected on this,
> but this doesn't seem possible.  Further, if it is, please let me know
> which browsers it works with so I can avoid them like the plague. 
> Anyway, the simplest solution to what you are trying to do is this: 
> have the clients ftp the files to a directory on the server and have a
> cgi pick them up.  Even Windows comes with an ftp client.  If they truly
> don't have one, put a link to somewhere they can download one (or write
> one in python).
> The bottom line is the user will have to send the file to you, you can't
> go out and get it.

As an aside, the reason it worked on your local system is that you were
copying a file from a local directory to a different local directory. 
Nothing wrong with that.

Cliff Wells <clifford.wells at>

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