Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?

Pascal Costanza costanza at web.de
Sun Dec 1 16:00:44 EST 2002

Courageous wrote:
> Most people who tried Lisp didn't like it BECAUSE of the parens.  
> A fairly heavy syntactic-symbolic load to drive away the parsing load,
> yes.
> Here's a source of annoyance: 

> Of course, you can opt out of this annoyance by using a Lisp-aware editor.
> That, however, is a further annoyance. Languages which _require_ special
> editors are essentially dead in the marketplace. Programmers are a finicky
> lot, and one way to get a lot of them annoyed with you is to tell them
> they can't use their favorite editor.
> let-me-use-my-own-fucking-editor-or-i-will-kill-you-ly yrs

...but you don't want to tell us that Notepad is your favourite editor, 
do you? ;)


Given any rule, however ‘fundamental’ or ‘necessary’ for science, there 
are always circumstances when it is advisable not only to ignore the 
rule, but to adopt its opposite. - Paul Feyerabend

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