No macros in Python

Courageous jkraska at
Sun Dec 15 14:47:50 EST 2002

>> Python doesn't have macros. On the other hand, looking at the world
>> through OO glasses rather than S-expression glasses means you don't
>> need macros as often. But the topic comes up at irregular intervals,
>> so someone may eventually come up with a way of doing macros in Python
>> that is right - at which point it'll be added.

I doubt this very highly. I'll venture that Guido and the entire design
team are opposed to macros on grounds that macros per se are a Bad Thing.
No "right" implementation of them would interest them (outside of academically),
because the introduction of macros itself is viewed as antipythonic. On one
level, I agree with them. While macros can have great utility, their use
has a tendenancy to produce confusing code. Sometimes.


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