No macros in Python

Laura Creighton lac at
Mon Dec 16 04:25:26 EST 2002

> Doesn't this rather illustrate my point.  Banks states that Python
> doesn't need this.  I agree of course.  Actually, I don't really
> understand what the point is in other languages--C, for example, often
> uses return flags for this same purpose, which seems fine too.
> Yours, Lulu...

I know, I know.  That's why we need to lock you in a room with nothing
but a LISP environment and refuse to let you out or feed you until you
refuse to come out because you are too busy implementing your own language 
in the macro system.  You will overcome your distaste for parentheses,
and, (I will bet one krona on this) -- I will end up bringing you
sandwiches because I will worry that you aren't eating enough.  Then
you will understand why Beni Cherniavsky's posts have been doing 
strange and wonderful things to my brain all weekend, and why I now
think I have a grasp of what an alhoholic feels like when somebody
leaves an open bottle around ...


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