Locking and try/finally

Geoffrey Talvola gtalvola at nameconnector.com
Wed Dec 4 12:03:03 EST 2002

xtian at toysinabag.com [mailto:xtian at toysinabag.com] wrote:
> Obtaining locks is simpler in C++ than in Python. The equivalent
> Python code is always 3 lines longer. In fact, about 9% of the Python
> implementation of Recall is simply obtaining and releasing locks
> safely. Yet, overall, the Python code is smaller.

Instead of writing:

		# do something

How about wrapping up the try/finally and acquire/release into a method of
the mutex object that takes a callable as its argument:

	def task():
		# do something

This saves 2 lines, as long as the "do something" part can be placed into a
nested function (which isn't always possible, but often is, using nested

- Geoff

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