How should Tkinter Pronounce ??

Bo M. Maryniuck b.maryniuk at
Fri Dec 13 06:20:36 EST 2002

On Tuesday 10 December 2002 01:10, Benson Ngai wrote:
> answers should it be pronounce "Tink-ter" , "Tea-Kay-Inter" or what??

	"Tee Kinter". "Tee" is like "Z ..." instead "The ..." and "kinter" is a 
	"kinder", what means "The kinder".


	"Tee ka:ind err". Like "The kind of error" what means "delete this package 
(required by ISO 9001) and switch to the Qt or the wxWindows".


Regards, Bogdan

If you want to trick a pointy-haired boss into letting you write software in
Lisp, you could try telling him it's XML.

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