Windows dll example?

Sandy Norton sandskyfly at
Mon Dec 16 23:11:54 EST 2002

Jive Dadson wrote in message 
> I need to make a Python extension using MS VC++, preferably using a dll.

Not exactly what you need, but Thomas Heller's recently released
ctypes module is a v. cool way of getting at those dlls without having
to learn the python API (Pyrex is another cool way, of course)

Here's a very simple example of how to go about it. It assumes
MS VC++, and that you've already installed ctypes

1. create your simple dll, call it "xdll.cpp":

#define EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)

EXPORT int add(int x, int y) {
      return x + y;

2. compile it:
prompt> cl /LD xdll.cpp

3. Test it with the following python module "":

from ctypes import cdll
print cdll.xdll.add(10, 100)

That's it.



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