ctypes module and some problems

Chad Anderson canderson at ebizsolutionsonline.com
Fri Dec 13 21:31:01 EST 2002

Well, I've been trying to use the SystemParametersInfo function from user32.dll. Of course, with my luck, it doesn't work. The code I'm trying just to see if it even works looks a bit like this:

from ctypes import windll, cdll

Now it says SystemParametersInfo doesn't exist. But I know it does, heheh. Does it go by a different name possibly in user32.dll? Anyone have a list of functions which are in user32.dll? Also I've tried using windll by Sam Rushing...the way it brings in SystemParametersInfo is wierd and it wants an integer but what needs to go there is a string. Is there a way to define the data type for the arguements in windll like in ctypes? I've been racking my brain on this for about 4 days now and feel dumber every hour, heheh. Please help.

Chad Anderson

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