Weak Reference List (preliminary) implementation

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Tue Dec 3 09:08:22 EST 2002

I have just built a weak-reference list-sub-class, similar to 
WeakKeyDictionary or WeakValueDictionary.  I'm wondering a few things:

    * is there any interest in this functionality (beyond myself)?
    * does anyone have a fully tested and reliable version of a weak
      reference list sub-class?
    * is this functionality something that should be added to the
      standard weak reference module?

I've attached my (fairly trivial) sub-class below.  There are a number 
of thread safety issues (particularly anything which runs between a 
referent being gc'd and the weak reference callback getting run can 
cause problems (not sure if that can actually happen or not, but I would 
guess it's possible)).

Enjoy yourselves,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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