Getting a *full* list of attrib/methods for a class

Pedro RODRIGUEZ pedro_rodriguez at
Wed Dec 11 03:21:32 EST 2002

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 01:29:27 +0100, Terry Hancock wrote:

> I figured there'd be a built-in or special method to get just this, and
> when I experimented with dir() I thought I had it -- but then I realized
> I was testing it in Python 2.2!  Is there something I just don't know
> about, or should I just be writing my own recursive search function to
> do the job?

Some time ago I faced the same situation, I wanted to have the 2.2
version of dir. So I picked up the C version of Python 2.2 and rewrote it
in pure Python.

(Notice that this is based on 2.2 version, you may check on the latest
version if there have been changes, but the transcription looked quite
straitforward at that time).



""" Restranscript of python 2.2 dir() builtin.

import types
import sys

def merge_class_dict(dict, aclass):
    classdict = getattr(aclass, "__dict__", None)
    if classdict is not None:

    bases = getattr(aclass, "__bases__", None)
    if bases is not None:
        for base in bases:
            merge_class_dict(dict, base)
def merge_list_attr(dict, obj, attrname):
    list = getattr(obj, attrname, None)
    if list is not None:
        for item in list:
            if type(item) is types.StringType:
                dict[item] = None

def new_dir(obj=None):
    objType = type(obj)

    if obj is None:
        result = locals().keys()
    elif objType is types.ModuleType:
        result = obj.__dict__.keys()

    elif objType is types.ClassType or objType is types.TypeType:
        dict = {}
        merge_class_dict(dict, obj)
        result = dict.keys()

        dict = getattr(obj, "__dict__", None)
        if dict is None:
            dict = {}
        elif type(dict) is not types.DictType:
            dict = {}
            dict = dict.copy()

        merge_list_attr(dict, obj, "__members__")
        merge_list_attr(dict, obj, "__methods__")
        itsclass = getattr(obj, "__class__", None)
        if itsclass is not None:
            merge_class_dict(dict, itsclass)

        result = dict.keys()

    return result

    major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = sys.version_info
    if (major, minor) >= (2, 2):
        new_dir = dir

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