Needs help from a guru

Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys, GE Interlogix) Vincent.Raaijmakers at
Sun Dec 1 21:35:07 EST 2002

As a new bee, this question may sound stupid, but after spending a couple of hours in trial and error, reading the library from beginning to end, I can't get this to work.
I'm using Python in a Linux environment. In that environment I have to use some special shell scripts. These shell scripts generates output in the form of data to the console/terminal, for example a "" script returns... a query of a database in plain text.
What I like to do is to start these script from Python and to manipulate and use the output of these scripts for all kind of things.
To start these scripts, the os.execvp seems a good solution, however it returns nothing.
What is the best command to use? Can someone please help me, it will save me a lot of time.
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