installing probstat under Windows 2000

Duncan Smith buzzard at
Wed Dec 4 19:34:12 EST 2002

"Cliff Wells" <LogiplexSoftware at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1039044307.10446.python-list at

On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 13:31, Duncan Smith wrote:


> "include\cartesian.h(8) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is

Cliff wrote:

"Sounds like the source code uses the type "long long" which isn't
supported by all C compilers (I'm not sure if anything but gcc does, for
that matter).  Does the source say that it compiles with VC?"

Not that I can see.  I've also tried the following with no success.

python build --compiler=mingw32

"error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory"

mingw32.bat is in the directory gcc-2.95.2, and I have set the path under
'system variables'.

A (computer scientist) mate of mine had a go at a build with lcc, but got
nowhere either (maybe the long longs again?).  Cheers.


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